SCHOOL-1957 vs. 2012

Johnny and Mark get into a fight after school.

1957 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends.

2012 - Police called, arrests Johnny and Mark.. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it. Both children go to anger management programmes for 3 months. School governors hold meeting to implement bullying prevention programmes.

Robbie won't sit still in class, disrupts other students.

1957 - Robbie sent to office and given 6 of the best with a cane by the Principal. He returns to class, sits still and thinks twice about disrupting class again.

2012 - Robbie given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADHD. Robbie's parents get fortnightly disability payments and School gets extra funding from government because Robbie has a disability.

Billy breaks a window in his neighbour's carand his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.

1957 - Billy is more careful next time, he grows up absolutely normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2012 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang.

Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

1957 - Mark gets glass of water from Principal to take aspirin with, headache wears off and Mark is able to enjoy class.

2012 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug taking. Car searched for drugs and weapons.

Johnny takes apart several leftover fireworks from Guy Fawkes night,puts them in a paint tin & blows up a wasp's nest.

1957 - All the Wasps die and are no longer a threat to anyone.

2012 - Police & Anti-Terrorism Squad called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, investigate parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated. Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly on aircraft again.

Johnny falls while running during morning break and scrapes his knee.He is found crying by his teacher, Mary.
Mary gives him a little hug to comfort him.

1957 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

2012 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.

This shows just how stupid we have become!

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