Sex Ed

A fifth grade teacher is told she must teach sex education to her class.

Unfortunately, she is a math teacher and and knows little about teaching sex ed. She decides to use her math techniques to teach the subject, and thinks flash cards will work well.

The next day in class, she explains that a new unit of sex ed is to begin. She holds up the first flash card, a picture of a breast, and asked "does anyone know what this is?"

Little Suzie resonds-"I know, I know! It's a picture of a breast and my mommy has two of them!"

The teacher says "very good Suzie, you get a star for the exercise"

The teacher grabs the next card and holds it up. It's a picture of a penis. She asks "Does anyone know what this is?"

Little Tommy says "I know I know!! It a penis and my daddy has two of them!!!"

The teacher says "well Tommy, It is a penis but your daddy can't have two of them."

Tommy says "sure he does, he's got a little one he pees out of and a great big one he brushes mommy's teeth with!"

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